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News & Announcements


Release Date: September 25, 2024

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Verizon Wireless of the East LP d/b/a Verizon Wireless (the “Applicant”) has filed an application with the Town of Newburgh Planning Board requesting approval to construct, operate and maintain a public utility / personal wireless service facility located on a portion of lands located at 248 N Plank Road in the Town of Newburgh, Orange County, New York (Tax Map Parcel No. 34-2-21) (“Site”). The proposed facility includes a 120-ft monopole tower structure (124’ with lightning rod), antennas, and related equipment at grade.


PUBLIC NOTICE is further hereby given that Applicant will conduct a visual impact assessment “balloon test” at the Site on Saturday, November 2, 2024, as directed by the Planning Board, for a minimum of eight (8) hours between the approximate hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. In the event poor weather conditions or other factors require a rescheduling of this test, the alternative test date will be held on Monday, November 4, 2024. In the event poor weather conditions or other factors require a rescheduling, the next alternative test date will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 or the next available good weather day thereafter, excluding Sundays. Residents are encouraged to check the Town’s website to determine whether the balloon test will be conducted for the specific date planned.


In general terms, the balloon test will consist of flying one brightly colored weather balloon having a minimum diameter of three (3) feet attached to non-stretchable line at the proposed tower location.


A public hearing will be held at a future date, which will be publicly noticed, and during which all interested parties may provide the Newburgh Planning Board with comments relative to the proposed application.


Any questions on this matter may be directed to Scott Olson, attorney for the Applicant (518) 438-9907 (, or the Town of Newburgh Planning (845) 564-7804.


Dated: September 23, 2024


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