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News & Announcements


Release Date: June 21, 2024



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Newburgh, Orange County, New York, at a meeting held on the 10th day of  June, 2024, duly adopted the following Order calling a public hearing at the Town Hall at 1496 Route 300, Town of Newburgh, New York on the 8th day of July, 2024 at 7:00 o'clock, p.m., Prevailing Time in the matter of the establishment of the proposed Longview Farm Subdivision Drainage District.

Dated:       Newburgh, New York,

                  June 21 , 2024.

Lisa M. Vance Ayers

                                                                                                  Town Clerk  










             WHEREAS, a petition dated May 7, 2024 has been duly presented to the Town Board, according to law, requesting that the Longview Farm Subdivision Drainage District, as hereinafter described, be established in the Town of Newburgh; and


            WHEREAS, the necessary map, plan and report dated April, 2024 prepared by T.M. Depuy Engineering & Land Surveying, PC, competent engineers duly licensed by the State of New York showing the facilities involved together with the proposed boundaries of the proposed Longview Farm Subdivision Drainage District was attached to the petition and has heretofore been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Newburgh where the same is available during regular office hours for examination by any persons interested in the subject matter thereon; and


            WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed Longview Farm Subdivision Drainage District are set forth in Schedule “A” annexed hereto and made a part hereof; and


            WHEREAS, the improvements proposed consist of a storm drainage system, precast  concrete catch basins and HDPE piping, concrete box culverts, open ponds with sedimentation forebays with infiltration basins of sand filters, drainage parcels and easements, landscaping and fencing; and


            WHEREAS, no amount is proposed to be expended for the improvements as stated in the petition and no financing of the cost of the District's facilities or services is proposed by the issuance of bonds, notes, certificates or other evidences of indebtedness of the Town nor is it proposed to assume debt service on obligations issued pursuant to Subdivision 12 of Town Law §198, the developer of the Longview Farm Subdivision proposing to install and dedicate the necessary drainage facilities at no cost to the District or Town; and


            WHEREAS, $4,711.59 is set forth in the petition and the map, plan and report appended to the petition as the maximum amount proposed to be expended annually for the performance or supplying of services for the repair and maintenance of the dedicated stormwater management facilities of the Longview Farm Subdivision Drainage District inclusive of the estimated annual insurance cost to be expended annually for the proposed drainage district  and the average annual cost of the District to a typical property is estimated to be $174.50, which is the same as the cost to the typical one or two family home; and


            WHEREAS, the establishment of the Longview Farm Subdivision Drainage District has been determined to be an “Unlisted Action” for purposes of the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and the Town of Newburgh Planning Board acting in its capacity as Lead Agency for the Longview Farm Subdivision has issued a negative declaration for the Action encompassing the establishment of said Drainage District; and


            WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing upon the question of the establishment of said Longview Farm Subdivision Drainage District pursuant to Article 12 of the Town Law.


            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Newburgh,


Orange County, New York, as follows:


            Section 1.        The Town Board of the Town of Newburgh shall hold a  public hearing at the Town Hall at 1496 Route 300, Town of Newburgh, New York on the 8th day of July, 2024 at 7:00 o'clock, p.m., Prevailing Time in the matter of the establishment of the proposed Longview Farm Subdivision Drainage District as described in the preambles hereof, and to consider the petition and map, plan and report filed in relation thereto and the improvements therefore and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or shall be proper in the premises.


            Section 2.  The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published once in The Mid-Hudson Times, the official newspaper of said Town, the first publication thereof to be not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days before the day set herein for the hearing as aforesaid, and the Town Clerk shall also cause a copy of this Order to be posted on the signboard of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days before the day set for the public hearing.


            Section 3.  This Order shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting and shall take effect immediately.








Town of Newburgh, Orange County, New York


ALL THAT CERTAIN Drainage District situate in the Town of Newburgh, Orange County, New York, designated as Longview Farm Subdivision and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:


BEGINNING at a point being the northwesterly intersection of Holmes Road and Dara Drive and being in the northeasterly bounds of lands of Swee & Guillet, Liber 12389 of Deeds, Page 779; thence along the said northeasterly bounds of said lands of Swee & Guillet the three courses and distances:

  1. On a curve to the left having a radius of 25 feet and an arc length of 39.27 feet whose chord bears North 07°-28’-42” East 35.36 feet to a point of compound curvature;
  2. On a curve to the left having a radius of 200.00 feet and an arc length of 88.92 feet whose chord bears North 50°-15’-28” West 88.19 feet to a point of tangency;
  3. North 62°-59’-39” West 319.52 feet to a point of curvature being the northeasterly corner of lands of DeRosa & Fried, Liber 12475 of Deeds, Page 1066;

thence along the northerly and northwesterly bounds of said lands of DeRosa & Fried the following three courses and distances:

            1.         On a curve to the right having a radius of 275.00 feet and an arc length of 103.88 feet whose chord bears North 52°-10’-20” West 103.26 feet to a point of tangency;

            2.         North 41°-21’-02” West 236.21 feet to a point;

            3.         South 27°-10’-49” West 303.92 feet to a point being in the northerly bounds of lands of Spinelli, Liber 14496 of Deeds, Page 1041;

thence along the northeasterly bounds of said lands of Spinelli the following two courses and distances:

  1. North 62°-39'-22" West 878.57 feet to a point;
  2. North 63°-16'-18" West 711.42 feet to a point being the northeasterly corner of lands of Calli, Liber 12047 of Deeds, Page 1209;

thence along the northeasterly bounds of said lands of Calli and the northeasterly bounds of lands of Herring, Liber 2634 of Deeds, Page 59 and lands of Hull, Liber 5317 of Deeds, Page 15 the following three courses and distances:

  1. North 63°-13'-14" West 230.61 feet to a point;
  2. North 60°-43'-56" West 63.78 feet to a point;
  3. North 62°-16'-58" West 144.50 feet to a point being the southeasterly corner of lands of Djurasevic & Gjurashaj, Liber 12261 of Deeds, Page 1381;

thence along the easterly, northerly and westerly bounds of said lands of Djurasevic & Gjurashaj the following four courses and distances:

            1.         North 27°-43’-02” East 193.32 feet to a point;

2.         North 42°-17’-10” West 309.47 feet to a cusp point being in the easterly bounds of Barbara Drive;

3.         On a curve to the left having a radius of 200.00 feet and an arc length of 71.58 feet whose chord bears South 40°-11’-03” West 71.20 feet to a pointy of tangency;

4.         South 29°-55’-53” West 233.33 feet to a point being the northwesterly corner of lands of Schwind, Liber 11085 of Deeds, Page 1542;

thence along the easterly bounds of said Barbara Drive and along the westerly bounds of said lands of Schwind the following three courses and distances:

1.         South 41°-54’-33” West 67.68 feet to a point;

2.         South 36°-06’-43” West 48.97 feet to a point;

3.         South 28°-16’-42” West 50.13 feet to a point;

thence through said Barbara Drive to a point being on the westerly bounds of said Barbara Drive and being in the westerly bounds of lands of Osterowski, Liber 14724 of Deeds, Page 1546 South 63°-22’-17” West 50.40 feet; thence along said westerly bounds of said bounds of Barbara Drive and easterly bounds of said lands of Osterowski the following three courses and distances:

            1.         North 28°-16’-43” East 55.00 feet to a point;

            2.         North 36°-06’-42” East 55.00 feet to a point;

            3.         North 41°-54’-33” East 57.88 feet to a point being in the northerly bounds of said lands of Osterowski;

thence continuing along the northerly bounds of said lands of Osterowski North 63°-27’-43” West 404.95 feet to a point being the northeasterly corner of lands of Demoe, Liber 2001 of Deeds, Page 147; thence along the northeasterly bounds of said lands of Demoe, North 63°-54'-37" West 128.75 feet to a point being the southerly corner of lands of Perata, Liber 15227 of Deeds, Page 1238; thence along the southeasterly bounds of said lands of Perata and southeasterly bounds of lands of Nielsen, Liber 3145 of Deeds, Page 170 and along the southeasterly bounds of other lands of Nielsen, Liber 5432 of Deeds, Page 328, North 25°-24'-58" East 733.26 feet to a point being in the southerly bounds of lands of Hesari, Liber 14336 of Deeds, Page 1290; thence along the southerly bounds of said lands of Hesari, South 63°-05'-02" East 567.00 feet to a point; thence along the southeasterly bounds of said lands of Hesari and along the southeasterly bounds of lands of Sack, Liber 14792 of Deeds, Page 1982 along the following four courses and distances:

  1. North 37°-34'-58" East 198.00 feet to a point;
  2. North 45°-14'-58" East 107.58 feet to a point;
  1. North 39°-34'-58" East 226.38 feet to a point;

4.         North 29°-54'-58" East 99.60 feet to a point being in the southeasterly bounds of lands of Cosman, Liber 11396 of Deeds, Page 1555;

 thence along said southeasterly bounds of said lands of Cosman the following three courses and distances:

  1. North 47°-14’-20" East 892.47 feet to a point;
  2. North 70°-02'-13" East 248.13 feet to a point;
  3. South 51°-46'-51" East 91.67 feet to a cusp point being in the southwesterly bounds of Merritt Lane;

thence along said southwesterly bounds of said Merritt Lane the following three courses and distances:

            1.         On a curve to the left having a radius of 125.00 feet and an arc length of 107.99 feet whose chord bears South 13°-28’-13” West 104.66 feet to a point of tangency;

            2.         South 11°-16’-44” East 201.53 feet to a point of curvature;

            3.         On a curve to the left having a radius of 190.00 feet and an arc length of 127.61 feet whose chord bears South 30°-31’-12” East 125.23 feet to a cusp point being the northerly corner of lands of Johnson, Liber 12075 of Deeds, Page 890;

thence along the westerly and southerly bounds of said lands of Johnson the following four courses and distances:

            1.         South 53°-19’-46” West 129.25 feet to a point of curvature;

            2.         On a curve to the left having a radius of 175.00 feet and an arc length of 154.38 feet whose chord bears South 28°-03’-24” West 149.42 feet to a point of tangency;

            3.         South 02°-47’-03” West 70.40 feet to a point;

            4.         South 89°-23’-21” East 268.86 feet to a point being the westerly corner of lands of Huggins, Liber 23907 of Deeds, Page 967;

thence along the southwesterly bounds of said lands of Huggins, South 15°-37’-26” East 241.55 feet to a point being the northerly corner of lands of Anton, Liber 23889 of Deeds, Page 1293; thence along the westerly bounds of said lands of Anton South 27°-12’-31” West 288.02 feet to a point being in the northeasterly bounds of lands of Palmerone, Liber 4197 of Deeds, Page 200; thence along the northerly, westerly and southerly bounds of said lands of Palmerone and the southerly bounds of lands of Taylor Way LLC, Liber 5531 of Deeds, Page 280 through bounds of said Dara Drive and along the southerly and easterly bounds of Rosario, Liber 14662 of Deeds, Page 1899 the following four courses and distances:

            1.         North 62°-54’-11” West 281.26 feet to a point;

            2.         South 29°-50’-49” West 629.00 feet to a point;

            3.         South 62°-55’-38” East 1,506.90 feet to a point;

            4.         North 27°-20’-49” East 17.15 feet to a point being in the southerly bounds of lands of Avella, Liber 14552 of Deeds, Page 1733;

thence along said southerly bounds of said lands of Avella South 62°-44’-00” East 172.33 feet to a point being the northwesterly corner of lands of Bento; thence along the westerly bounds of said lands of Bento the following four courses and distances:

            1.         South 23°-14’-45” West 199.40 feet to a point;

            2.         South 22°-38’-11” West 98.82 feet to a point;

            3.         South 23°-11’-30” West 162.65 feet to a point

            4.         South 23°-05’-26” West 30.07 feet to a point being in the northerly bounds of Dara Drive;

thence along the southerly bounds of said lands of Bento and along the northerly bounds of said lands of Dara Drive the following three courses and distances:

            1.         South 62°-59’-39” East 304.43 feet to a point of curvature;

            2.         On a curve to the right having a radius of 250.00 feet and an arc length of 111.14 feet whose chord bears South 50°-15’-28” East 110.23 feet to a point of reverse curvature;

            3.         On a curve to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet and an arc length of 39.27 feet whose chord bears South 82°-31’-18” East 35.36 feet to a cusp point being in the westerly bounds of said Holmes Road;

thence along said westerly bounds of said Holmes Road South 52°-28’-42” West 100.00 feet to the point or place of beginning;


CONTAINING 81.25 acres of land, more or less.