News & Announcements

Department: Town Clerk
News from your Town Clerk's Office
Town Clerk's Office Open This Coming Saturday (October 11)
Andrew J. Zarutskie, Town Clerk of the Town of Newburgh, announced that in conjunction with the Voter Registration hours being conducted at Town Hall this coming Saturday, his office will be open for business during that time.
The Voter Registration table will be set up in the lobby of Town Hall from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m. on Saturday, October 11. During those same hours, the Town Clerkâs office will be open to issue marriage licenses, hunting and fishing licenses, handicapped parking permits, dog licenses and the myriad of other services normally offered by his office, including notary public services.
These hours are the LAST CHANCE people have to register to vote in the Nov. 4 Presidential election.
Zarutskie noted that his office often opens on Saturday mornings for the benefit of persons who cannot come during normal business hours and has also occasionally opened evening hours during the week, but this is the first time he has experimented with opening afternoon and evening hours on a Saturday.